heart Soung Lyoul Lee's Profile heart

dot Name : Soung Lyoul(means Holy and Bright...um...Good meaning, isn't it?) / photo album

dot Pseudonym : Taegie(means Big Energy; My grandfather originally named me this name)

dot Birthday : Feb. 26, 1971.

dot My major : Old Testament Studies

dot Course : The Graduate School of the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary(Th.M.course)

dot Work : Institute of Biblical Studies / BibleStudyHouse

dot My favorites: Basketball, Listening to Music(especially Classical), Playing Bass Guitar, Drums etc.

dot Phone : +82-2-3436-7721(Please, call after 7 o'clock)

dot E-mail : taegie@dreamwiz.com

dot ICQ # : 61011798 to chat with me and my friends around the world, Click here!

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You found one of them! but still remains...


If you have any questions about me, feel free to E-Mail me at taegie@dreamwiz.com

last updated on Aug.24,2000.